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As a precaution to help limit the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and care for our community, Just Buffalo Literary Center has postponed a number of events, and we will follow the guidance of Buffalo Public Schools in terms of Just Buffalo Writing Center programming.

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12 - The Dirt The Birds Rub Their Bodies In - Reading Park 2022 - Dream Delivery Service - Just Buffalo Literary Center
Map 12 Dirt in which the birds rub their bodies - Reading Park 2022 - Dream Delivery Service - Just Buffalo Literary Center

The Dream of the Dirt in Which the Birds Rub Their Bodies

written by Mathias Svalina

Up the hill, two holly trees flirt, branches breeze-swollen, leaves atremble. The tea roses are cheerful & bright, attainable as themselves for such a short spell, before the wilt & all the usual ordained ordinaryings. Each thing forms a melody of self, like a tangle of roots. I make of myself a corroborating thing. A velvet sack in which a wistful parent might store their estranged child’s baby teeth. The cliff concealed beneath the ocean surface that forms the waves into such fierce walls. I open myself to whatever I could never be. I pull the veils of self away. I banish the darkness of the self. A mouth, a cave in which the holy words may hum. A tongue with which to give the holy words a bit of solace.