Fiction Writing Meet-up
Whether you’re new to writing stories or in the midst of your second novel, our fiction writing meet-up is a time to connect with your fellow fiction writers to write, share, trouble-shoot, and brainstorm. Led by teaching artist Ben Brindise & JBWC Youth Ambassadors.
If you attend in person, JBWC doors open at 3:30pm. Feel free to drop in early to relax with a book, work on your writing, try a prompt, or catch up with your creative peers!
- The JBWC Creative Writing Programs for Youth are FREE and aimed at young students aged 12–18.
- This youth writing workshop is hybrid—you can attend in-person or from home!
- ACCESSIBILITY NOTE: If you have any questions/issues accessing any of these opportunities, please let us know and we will work with you to make sure you can participate.
Featured Artist
Benjamin BrindiseAuthor, Poet, Editor
Benjamin Brindise is a writer living and working in Buffalo, NY. He is the author of the flash fiction microchap Secret Anniversaries (Ghost City Press, 2019) and the dual poetry collection Those Who Favor Fire, Those Who Pray to Fire (emp Books, 2018 with Justin Karcher). His poetry and fiction have been published widely online and in print in places such as My Next Heart: New Buffalo Poetry, Dust Poetry Magazine, and Buffalo Spree. He has represented Buffalo, NY four times in the National Poetry Slam. He is currently the flash fiction editor for Variety Pack, which he edits with the oversight of his two rabbits, Atticus and Pistachio.

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