20 Apr Silo City Reading Series: Rachel McKibbens Timelines: 1b: Past Events (Unseen Archive), 2: Silo City Reading Series Archive, 4: Joel Brenden Workshops & Events, Just Buffalo History (2010s)
Photographs of the Silo City Reading by Nancy Parisi
Date: June 2, 2018
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Rachel McKibbens is a two-time New York Foundation for the Arts poetry fellow and author of blud (2017), Into the Dark & Emptying Field (2013), a finalist for the Paterson Poetry Prize, Pink Elephant (2009), and the chapbook, MAMMOTH (2013) finalist for the David Blair chapbook prize. In 2012, McKibbens founded The Pink Door Writing Retreat, an annual writing workshop exclusively for women, femme, trans and non-binary writers of color. She co-curates the acclaimed literary series Poetry & Pie Night in Rochester, NY.
Marina Blitshteyn and her family emigrated from the Soviet Union in 1991 and settled in Buffalo, New York as refugees. She studied English at SUNY Buffalo, where she co-edited the longstanding annual Name poetry journal, and Creative Writing at Columbia University, where she also served as a University Writing Fellow and consultant. She is the author of Two Hunters, her first full-length collection, to be published by Argos Books in 2018. Prior chapbooks include Russian for Lovers (Argos Books), $kill$ (dancing girl press), Nothing Personal (Bone Bouquet Books), and the forthcoming Sheet Music (Sunnyoutside Press). Her work has been anthologized in the new Brooklyn Poets Anthology, The &Now Awards 3: The Best Innovative Writing, Why I Am Not a Painter, and My Next Heart: New Buffalo Poetry. She teaches Composition and Rhetoric and lyric nonfiction, and occasionally runs The Loose Literary Canons, a feminist reading group in NYC.
Tim Rutili is a musician, filmmaker and visual artist. Founder and principle songwriter for Califone and Red Red Meat. He has composed and collaborated on music for many feature films and documentaries and contributed to albums by Loftus, Boxhead Ensemble, Ugly Casanova, Joan of Arc, Brian Reitzell, Modest Mouse, Sage Francis and Fruit Bats, among many others.
Joel Brenden is a photographer, installation- and book-artist based in Buffalo. His photographs and other works explore themes of ecology and built environments, memory, and identity. His work has been exhibited at Hallwalls, CEPA, Western New York Book Arts Center, The Burchfield-Penney, and most recently at Tri-Mania 2018. He holds an MFA in Visual Studies from the University at Buffalo, and a BFA in Drawing at Central Washington University. Brenden is a professor of photography and design, and a resident teaching artist at Just Buffalo Literary Center (2010-present). In 2013, Brenden founded LINOLEUM Press, publishing artist books, zines, editions, and other printed matter.